Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Psyc 255 Synthesis Paper - 1260 Words

Case Study Kimberly Greenway Liberty University According to the course syllabus we were introduced to the techniques of psychological research. This course was able to provide an understanding of how research is done, and what methods we can use to do so. By having a clear understanding of research and techniques used, it allows us to communicate effectively in regards to ideas behind the research process. In this paper, I will use myself as the case study to examine exactly what I learned about research. In the field of mental health, professionals must be constantly looking for ways to help their patients. (Cozby Bates 2012). When dealing with research, it allows us to explore valuable information that has been†¦show more content†¦This can be achieved through anonymous questionnaire, or coding of answers to protect privacy. (Cozby Bates, 2012). Not only is this board put in place for the protection of people, but also for animals. Another major ethical portion of research is to understand fraud and plagiarism. Some may falsify their findings to indicate a result completely different from their research which is fraud. One thing to consider that may be beneficial is peer review, which can help prevent fraud. The findings should be replicated by others to ensure the results are valid. As long as credit is given when using someone else’s research, it is not considered fraud or plagiarism. Fundamental Research Issues and Measure Concepts In research, there are several variables that can change depending on the circumstances. Coming up with an operational definition of those variables ensures that all reading the research understand â€Å"the procedures used to measure or manipulate† them. (Cozby Bates, 2012). When we’re looking at more than one variable, we must be concerned with how the variables relate to each other. These relationships can be defined as negative linear, positive linear, curvilinear, or no relationship. The two ways we can study these relationships are through non experimental and experimental methods. Non experimental does not involve any direct manipulation of the variables as opposed to experimental which involves direct manipulationShow MoreRelatedSynthesis Paper2319 Words   |  10 PagesSynthesis Paper: Psyc 255 Research Methods Learned and Critiqued from A Biblical Perspective Denise Beck Liberty University Synthesis Paper: Psyc 255 Research Methods Learned and Critiqued from A Biblical Perspective The goals of this course according to our syllabus were to introduce us to the techniques of psychological research, to improve our understanding of how research is done and the methods used to do it, and to give us the ability to communicate competently about the ideas behind

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